Look beautiful without makeup… Impossible right?

If you’re looking for a long-term solution to youthful, vibrant skin,
please check out my presentation here.
I was at the beach, here in Miami, surrounded by ladies pampering their makeup.
And as I watched them, I started wondering if it was possible for a woman to feel okay on the beach without makeup.
Yes, they were using make up and the beach, and it was light, bright, bronze.
But this experience made me wonder, is it possible to remove the makeup and feel okay?
And here’s my answer:
Ever notice how when you look in the mirror…
You tend to focus on what is wrong with your face and skin…
What if you started to focus on what is good about your skin?
Remember… Makeup is to help accentuate those bits you like, and take away from those bits you don’t like…
But could you reduce the total makeup you use?
Are you focused too much to covering up ugly bits, rather than accentuating your beauty?
Feeling good about yourself without makeup works at all levels…
Now there is no demand here to remove your makeup and go out in public, but you should take a moment in the morning or at night to look yourself in the mirror to focus on what is beautiful about you.
Then play with some new makeup or get someone to give you a make over.
Accentuate the parts you enjoy…
Have fun.
Warmest regards,
Leslie Munsell